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Hall 10, level 2 / Booth B 95 aircontec
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CABERO Wärmetauscher GmbH + Co. KG
Jesenwanger Str. 50
82284 Grafrath (Germany)
Die Firma CABERO ist Komplettanbieter, das heißt Entwicklung, Her-
stellung und Vertrieb von Wärmetauschern für die Kälte- und Klima-
Die Produktrange umfasst: Trockenrückkühler, Hybride Rückkühler,
NEW HYBRID Generation DUO, Adiabatische Rückkühler, gewerb-
liche Verdampfer, Industrie-Verdampfer, Verflüssiger, Adiabatische
Verflüssiger, Hybride Verflüssiger, Schockfroster, Luftkühler.

CABERO is a complete supplier, in other words it develops, manu-
factures and sells heat exchangers for refrigeration and air-condi-
tioning equipment and accessories for such equipment.

Its product range includes the following: Dry heat exchangers,
hybrid heat exchangers, NEW HYBRID Generation DUO, adia-
batic heat exchangers, commercial evaporators, industrial eva-
porators, condensers, adiabatic condensers, hybrid condensers,
shock frosters and air coolers.
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Air conditioning Air-conditioning equipment
Air conditioning cabinets / packaged units Fan coils
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Refrigeration Refrigerating equipment and refrigerating systems
Refrigerating equipment and refrigerating systems for industrial applications Refrigerating equipment and refrigerating systems for commercial applications Refrigerating equipment and refrigerating systems for process cooling
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Refrigeration Components for refrigerating systems
Heat exchangers Evaporators Condensers