World of heating engineering Furnace and heating control Electric/electronic measuring and control equipment for the central control of heating
Central controllers with communications interface
World of heating engineering Furnace and heating control Electric/electronic measuring and control equipment for the decentralised control of heating
Room and zonal thermostats with communications interface Sensing elements for ambient temperature
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Systems and components for residential and non-residential ventilation
Components Fresh air and waste air systems (decentralised)
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Components for air-conditioning piping and distribution systems
Damper actuators Flow control systems
Mixer boxes, pressure release boxes Fire dampers and valves
Smoke dampers and valves Sound attenuators
Air passages
Induction devices Fan convectors
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Central air-conditioning units
Ventilation equipment
Hygienic units
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Decentralised ventilation equipment
Decentralised ventilation equipment with heat recovery
Decentralised ventilation equipment without heat recovery
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Air filters for ventilation systems
Coarse and fine dust filters
Suspended particle filters Adsorption air filters Other filters
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Free ventilation systems
Climate facades
Façade ventilation
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Air conditioning Components for building climate control systems
Hydronic radiant cooling Chilled beams, cooling baffles, cooling fins