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World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Systems and components for residential and non-residential ventilation Industrial ventilation
Hall / Booth
Hall 11, level 0 / Booth C 49 aircontec
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World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Systems and components for residential and non-residential ventilation
Industrial ventilation Central units with air intake and air extraction Central units with air extraction Fresh air and waste air systems (decentralised) Heat recovery
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Central air-conditioning units
Ventilation equipment Hygienic units
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Heat recovery systems for ventilation systems
Recuperative systems Regenerative systems
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Systems and components for residential and non-residential ventilation
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