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Hall 11, level 1 / Booth C 79 aircontec
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Drexel und Weiss Deutschland GmbH
Energieeffiziente Haustechniksysteme

Ostpreußenstr. 12
89331 Burgau (Germany)

Innovativstes Kompaktgerät mit Luft/Wasser-WP
World of heating engineering Solarthermics and heat pumps Heat pumps
Air/air heat pumps Air/water heat pumps Brine/water heat pumps
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Systems and components for residential and non-residential ventilation
Complete systems for controlled residential ventilation with heat recovery
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Components for air-conditioning piping and distribution systems
Flow control systems