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Hall 6, level 0 / Booth D 60
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IVT GmbH & Co. KG
Gewerbering Nord 5
91189 Rohr (Germany)

PRINETO Kunststoffrohrsystem - plastic pipe system
LATENTO Ganzjahres-Solarsysteme - all year solar systems
World of heating engineering Drinking water heaters / storage tanks Drinking water storage heaters, storage tanks and accessories
Combination storage tanks
World of heating engineering Solarthermics and heat pumps Solar heating and cooling
Thermal solar heating systems
World of heating engineering Heat transfer stations Radiators and accessories
Skirting-type radiators
World of heating engineering Heat transfer stations Surface heating and accessories
Warm water underfloor heating systems, thin screed system Warm water underfloor heating systems, dry system
World of installation technology Pipes and pipe connectors Pipe systems (pipes and connections)
Drinking water pipe systems Heating pipe systems