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Hall 3, level 1 / Booth B 51
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Laufen Bathrooms AG
Wahlenstr. 46
4242 Laufen (Switzerland)
Hersteller von komplett Bädern: Sanitärkeramik,
Badmöbel, Badewannen, Duschtassen, Armaturen

Manufacturer of complete bathrooms: sanitary ceramics,
bathroom furniture, bathtubs, shower trays, mixers

World of bathroom equipment + sanitary engineering Bathroom equipment Sanitary equipment
Bath tubs Shower trays Toilets Toilets with built-in bidets Toilets, rimfree
World of bathroom equipment + sanitary engineering Bathroom equipment Furniture
Bath furniture Cupboards with mirrors
World of bathroom equipment + sanitary engineering Bathroom fittings Mixing fittings
One hand operation mixer taps Contactless mixer taps Shower fitting combinations