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Hall 9, level 1 / Booth E 46
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Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
Gersteinstr. 19
59227 Ahlen (Germany)
Druckausdehnungsgefäße, Druckhaltestationen, Entgasungssysteme,
Abscheidetechnik, Nachspeisesysteme und Wasseraufbereitung,
Warmwasserspeicher und Wärmeübertrager für Heizungs-, Kühlungs-
und Solaranlagen. Expansion vessels, pressurisation units, degassing
systems, separators, water make-up systems, water treatment, hot
water storage tanks and heat exchangers for heating-, cooling- and
solar systems.
World of heating engineering Heating appliance accessories Heat exchangers
Heat exchangers for warm and hot water
World of heating engineering Heating appliance accessories Boiler accessories
Filling and refilling equipment for heating water Expansion tanks
World of heating engineering Drinking water heaters / storage tanks Drinking water storage heaters, storage tanks and accessories
Indirectly heated drinking water storage heaters Storage tanks Expansion tanks for drinking water heaters Combination storage tanks
World of heating engineering Solarthermics and heat pumps Solar heating and cooling
Solar accumulators
World of installation technology Pumps and pressure vessels Vessels for pumping systems
Pressure vessels